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What "is and what is not" coaching?

Coaching with the use of self-assessment tools is a process of accelerating self-discovery and achieving results that consists of developing skills and abilities to achieve planned goals. This process is mainly focused on bringing about relevant changes in the client's life, demanding actions and commitment so that the client leaves the current state and moves towards the desired state. Coaching is primarily concerned with present and future achievements.

The professional responsible for conducting this process is called a coach. A coach supports and assists the client by providing personal development techniques and a safe space for discussion and understanding of relevant information that brings a clearer view of the client's qualities, points of improvement, automatic behaviors and limiting beliefs.

One of the most beneficial characteristics of coaching is that the coach does not provide ready-made solutions for a client, since each person is unique. The coach helps the clients to find these answers and solutions within themselves to, from there, walk their path of self-development and reach their goals.

What is "not" coaching?

See the definition of some of the processes that people usually confuse with coaching:

  • Coaching is not MENTORING Personal mentoring - applied when a senior person, considered more experienced and possessing more wisdom, gives advice and acts as a model and inspiration. Professional mentoring - when a more experienced professional guides the mentee in order to acquire new knowledge, experience or skills in a particular area of expertise.

  • Coaching is not COUNSELING Counseling is a methodology aimed at those seeking guidance and advice to help make important decisions, whether personal or professional. The advisors present their vision and share their knowledge.

  • Coaching is not THERAPY Therapy deals with the client's mental health, being one of the treatments indicated for cases of trauma, depression, emotional and mental disorders, among others, often having a strong approach in negative experiences of the past.

  • Coaching is not TRAINING Training is the process of acquiring skills or knowledge through study, experience, or teaching. The trainer is the expert and the training will likely focus on specific skills for immediate results. Furthermore, training is usually delivered in a group while coaching is an individual process.

  • Coaching is not CONSULTING The consultant provides specialized knowledge and solves problems of a business or assists in the development of a company, dealing with the organization as a whole or with parts of it, and not with the individuals that compose it. Consultants only affect individuals indirectly.

Some of the benefits of coaching

  • Self-knowledge and discovery of one's own potential

  • Clarity of causes and effects of own actions

  • Re-signification of limiting beliefs that were built throughout life

  • Possibility of aligning values with life purpose

  • Reduction of negative thoughts and stress

  • Development of flexibility to deal with changes

  • Development of emotional intelligence and new behavioral skills

  • More positive personal relationships

  • Achieving goals and developing new skills

  • More confidence to make decisions

  • Have a safe space to discuss relevant issues

How coaching works and who it is for

Coaching is a process that combines a set of knowledge, tools and techniques with the aim of promoting relevant changes in a person's life. It is suitable for anyone who wants to deepen their self-knowledge and self-development, whether on a personal or professional level.

Now that you know what coaching is and what it is not, you can resort to this methodology aware of the benefits it can offer you. Learn more about accelerated coaching with Enneagram and DISC - two of the best self-evaluation tools for personal growth. Send us a message at to find out which solution best suits your needs.

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