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Enneagram and coaching 

The Enneagram is a roadmap to self-discovery and personal growth. Several combinations between the 9 points describe different types of personality and their unique ways of relating to the world, of thinking, feeling and behaving, based on our core motivations and fears (of which we are often unaware).


As a practical and insightful tool, the power of the Enneagram lies in:

  1. identifying unfavorable behaviors (or even harmful) and offer a guide to help turn them in your favor, improving life.

  2. identifying strengths about which maybe you are not very clear, so you do not use or do not know how to use them yet.


Enneagram (from the Greek 'enea' = 9 and 'gram' = written or drawn)

The Enneagram works like a guide on your journey of self-knowledge and self-development, increasing your emotional maturity, helping to build better relationships, resolving conflicts and improving professional performance.

How does the coaching process work?


of needs and goals

Answer the self-assessment questionnaire



(Standard or Pro)

Preparation for debriefing sessions


2, 3 or 6 debriefing sessions

To start, you answer a self-assessment questionnaire. This questionnaire is confidential and your responses are not seen by anyone at any time. Your responses will then generate a report that will be used:

  • by you as a self-knowledge tool and self-development guide

  • by you and me during your debriefing sessions, when we will explore in depth relevant points from your Enneagram report and discuss development actions.

Debriefing sessions

My task in the debriefing sessions is to support you as you build new patterns of behavior to make the changes you want in your life. Each session lasts 75 minutes and can be held weekly, fortnightly or at your convenience, in person (depending on location) or through virtual meetings.


There are three package options for your debriefing sessions:


Two sessions, recommended for people who already have some knowledge about their Enneagram profile and want to explore more about themselves with my support.


Three sessions, recommended for individuals who are new to the Enneagram and therefore require more time and support to explore its rich content and insights.


Six sessions, designed for people who want my support as a facilitator to move forward with their development plan.

Contact us to inquire about the package that best suits your needs

Enneagram Profile Reporting Options

Recommended for all individuals interested in self-knowledge and personal growth.


Recommended to all individuals interested in self-knowledge and personal growth, with complementary content aimed at reflecting on the work environment.


Introduction: provides a brief definition of the Enneagram, a brief description of the 9 main profiles, how the Enneagram can help with self-knowledge and keys to your self-development


Your Enneagram Profile: Describes the Enneagram style you most identify with and the likely strengths, weaknesses, and worldview associated with that style.


Your Enneagram Subtype: explains the impact of biological drives on your personality that define your behavior most profoundly.


Expression centers: reflects the balance between your thinking, feeling and acting patterns.


Influence of adjacent profiles: refers to the way in which the profiles adjacent to yours influence and complement the expression of your main style.


Self-knowledge and integrationindicates the extent to which you have been able to free yourself from your Ennea-type's ego fixations. It also measures how aware you are of your blind spots.


Strain levelsprovides insight from your subjective experience of your current circumstances and the stress you may be experiencing.


Stress and relief lines: explore possibilities to work through the stress you may be experiencing and support your journey of growth.


Communication styleanalyzes listening behaviors, verbal, non-verbal and written communication.


Giving and receiving feedback: looks into the ability to give and receive feedback.


Feedback guide for all Enneagram profiles: brief tips that help you prepare, adapt, and position your approach to giving feedback to people of known enea-types.


Conflicts and triggersexamine your response to conflicts and the triggers that activate automatic responses. What you and others can do when a trigger is set off.


Decision makinganalyzes the impact of your decisions and how others' decisions affect you.


Leadership and management: explores how your self-awareness, integration, and Enneagram type affect your leadership. This section also helps you with goals, planning, task completion, delegation, performance management, motivation, and development priorities.


Team behavior: looks into how you function in the 4 stages of team maturity. What is your impact on the team. Your preferred goals and role on the team.


Relationship with your coachaims to increase your awareness of how you might be reacting in a relationship with your coach.



Contact us to inquire about the package that best suits your needs

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